Bicycle Accident Insurance: What Would Your Attorney Recommend? - Power Legal Group
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Bicycle Accident Insurance: What Would Your Attorney Recommend?

Any good bicycle accident attorney in Los Angeles spends his or her days fighting against insurance companies. But we don’t actually recommend that you go without insurance of some sort.

Bicyclists and drivers share a lot of the same roads, but their transportation modes are completely different.

Aside from the obvious things like “enclosed car with four wheels vs. open-air two-wheeler,” cyclists and motorists deal with very disparate methods of staying safe, both on the road and off. Bicycle accidents come with a whole set of issues and complexities that most drivers never have to deal with. Cyclist insurance is trickier than common motorist insurance.

Is Bicycle Insurance Really Necessary?

Car insurance is mandatory for motor vehicle operators. It’s the law. Every car needs insurance.

Is cyclist insurance required by law? No.

Should every cyclist carry insurance? Yes.

Any good bicycle accident attorney in Los Angeles spends his or her days fighting against insurance companies, but we don’t actually recommend that you go without insurance of some sort. If you’re not covered, it may be more difficult to get back all that money you lost to damaged equipment and medical bills after a bike accident.

What Kind of Insurance do Cyclists Need?

There are some major and not-so-major carriers who’ll cover a wide range of potential fallbacks. Injury to you and damage to bikes and other equipment are things you should be prepared for.

Some carriers cover theft and some even specifically cover vehicle contact of all sorts. You’ve got your pick; the choice is ultimately yours.

At the very least, consider uninsured motorist (UM or UIM). Life is unpredictable.

Whatever route you take, make sure you talk to a knowledgeable person who can put insurance language into everyday terms. Homeowner’s or car insurance may cover a bicycle if it was stolen, lost or damaged in a fire or natural disaster, but might night cover collisions. You’ll need to be certain that you’re covered for bicycle accidents.

How Much Should I Spend?

Again, that is up to you, what your budget allows, and what types of coverages you want. Some institutions say the average policy costs between $250 and $300 a year; prices may vary in Los Angeles from neighborhood to neighborhood.

Our only advice is to make sure you prioritize it smartly. If your bike costs thousands of dollars, that’s a much bigger loss than a simple insurance premium. If you rely on your bike to commute to work, then your whole paycheck — your entire livelihood — depends on it.

That being said, be smart and above all else, make sure you understand fully what you’re paying for.

What Should I Look For in Cyclist Insurance Coverage?

While we can’t recommend any particular company, we do know what cyclists should look for in an insurance carrier.

  • Find a company with a good reputation. Ask other cyclists about that company, ask whether customer support is available 24/7, and ask whether they cover all the things you want covered.
  • Make sure you’ve got coverage for damage at full value of the bike in case of crash or theft.
  • Make sure that one way or another, any injuries sustained are covered. (Your health insurance carrier should be able to help you answer that question as well.)

With parking at a premium in Los Angeles, and places like Santa Monica, Culver City, and Venice taking active measures to increase bike use, we definitely see more cyclists these days. We see more perhaps now than ever. We live in an increasingly bike-friendly region.

And human beings are flawed…which means with more bicycles in use come more bicycle accidents.

Don’t get left in the gutter — make sure you’re protected at all times.

If you are involved in a bike accident, call the Power Legal Group — we’ll help you get the maximum value from your coverage.

Is cyclist insurance required by law? No.
Should every cyclist carry insurance? Yes.

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