Determining how to prove fault in a motorcycle accident in California can be challenging at best. If you’ve suffered an injury from a motorcycle crash, figuring out how to prove the other driver was at fault is probably one of the last things on your...
Every time you take your bike out for a cruise, you’re at risk of serious injuries, or worse, adding your name to the ever-growing list of motorcycle riders killed on California’s roads. According to the NHTSA motorcycle accident fatalities data, 474 motorcyclists lost their lives...
As a motorcycle rider, you should always stay informed regarding California’s motorcycle accident statistics and what the numbers mean for your safety on the road. As you may know, riding motorcycles puts you at a much higher risk for a serious injury in the event...
California’s lane-splitting laws have been a hot-button topic throughout the years, culminating with the 2016 bill that made lane splitting legal for motorcyclists. At that time, California was the only state with legal lane splitting, although some states have started to follow suit in recent...